Action Plan for IELTS Audio CD [AUDIOBOOK] (Audio CD)
We highly recommended for students who would like to get additional materials to practice on. Book would definitely suit well students are already Whose communication skills in the band score of 5 or 6th Strategies discussed in the book regarding the ways to maximize the band's scores in the IELTS examination are very useful. Tends to be limited practice test and might not be suitable to students who did not have any preparation yet for the examination.
Achieve IELTS Student's Book: Intermediate to Upper Intermediate: English for International Education (Achieve IELTS Intermediate / UPP)
It is gives a feel of the real IELTS Academic module of examination. The book thoroughly discussed the preparations that a student should take in preparing for the IELTS test. Band practice tests were enough for the student to get an idea of the possible score that he can Achieve. The score analyzer is a real winner because it helped student detect their weak areas. Book is more suited for students with advanced communication skills.
Achieve IELTS: Intermediate to Upper Intermediate: English for International Education (Achieve Ielts Intermediate / Upp) [AUDIOBOOK] (Audio CD)
This audio book is a supplementary to the paperback book by Louis Harrison on taking the IELTS examination preparation in student life and once they were able to enter into the academic institution abroad. Will be well appreciated by students who learn best by lectures! As with the paperback, book offers detailed explanation of the key concepts in taking the IELTS examination. A bit expensive for an audio book but is definitely worth its price.
English for Business Life Course Book: Elementary (Achieve Ielts Elementary Level)
For professionals who have no time to attend English courses and is looking for a book that is specifically focused on is that business communication. Readers can easily follow the concepts of the book because tracks are well organized. Very suitable for individuals who have very little time to read and can only afford to skim and scan. Can consider including an audio book to give the reader assistance in learning the pronunciation of words.
English for Business Life Trainer's Manual: Elementary (Achieve Ielts Elementary Level)
A how-to book written by Ian Badger made for communication skills trainers. This book is very insightful. Badger was able to Provide a complete guide for experienced business communication trainers based on his own experiences as a trainer. Presentation styles and activities suggested were up-to-date and were easy to follow. Most of training strategies presented would suit well a small group setting. Additional activities for trainers who are handling bigger class sizes will be appreciated.
Kaplan IELTS 2009-2010 Edition
Book was developed by one of the most respected Training - institutional chaplain. This book offers good practice for students taking the IELTS examination. Give a gauge of the student's readiness to take the IELTS by providing to their estimate of band score based on their scores in the practice test. Better if the CD can therefore included cover model answers for the practice tests Sun speaking students can be familiar with the accent before the test.We highly recommended for students who would like to get additional materials to practice on. Book would definitely suit well students are already Whose communication skills in the band score of 5 or 6th Strategies discussed in the book regarding the ways to maximize the band's scores in the IELTS examination are very useful. Tends to be limited practice test and might not be suitable to students who did not have any preparation yet for the examination.
Achieve IELTS Student's Book: Intermediate to Upper Intermediate: English for International Education (Achieve IELTS Intermediate / UPP)
It is gives a feel of the real IELTS Academic module of examination. The book thoroughly discussed the preparations that a student should take in preparing for the IELTS test. Band practice tests were enough for the student to get an idea of the possible score that he can Achieve. The score analyzer is a real winner because it helped student detect their weak areas. Book is more suited for students with advanced communication skills.
Achieve IELTS: Intermediate to Upper Intermediate: English for International Education (Achieve Ielts Intermediate / Upp) [AUDIOBOOK] (Audio CD)
This audio book is a supplementary to the paperback book by Louis Harrison on taking the IELTS examination preparation in student life and once they were able to enter into the academic institution abroad. Will be well appreciated by students who learn best by lectures! As with the paperback, book offers detailed explanation of the key concepts in taking the IELTS examination. A bit expensive for an audio book but is definitely worth its price.
English for Business Life Course Book: Elementary (Achieve Ielts Elementary Level)
For professionals who have no time to attend English courses and is looking for a book that is specifically focused on is that business communication. Readers can easily follow the concepts of the book because tracks are well organized. Very suitable for individuals who have very little time to read and can only afford to skim and scan. Can consider including an audio book to give the reader assistance in learning the pronunciation of words.
English for Business Life Trainer's Manual: Elementary (Achieve Ielts Elementary Level)
A how-to book written by Ian Badger made for communication skills trainers. This book is very insightful. Badger was able to Provide a complete guide for experienced business communication trainers based on his own experiences as a trainer. Presentation styles and activities suggested were up-to-date and were easy to follow. Most of training strategies presented would suit well a small group setting. Additional activities for trainers who are handling bigger class sizes will be appreciated.
Kaplan IELTS 2009-2010 Edition
Teaching English Abroad, 7th (Paperback)
Teaching English abroad provides a good overview of the teaching industry of the different countries including schools where one can apply to as well as their contact details and the preparations that one should have to make he come to the decision to go abroad to teach English. A book that is reliable enough to be taken seriously. It would have been perfect if not for the obvious promotion of two schools in the UK.
Washback in Language Testing: Research Contexts and Methods
The book presented the washback phenomenon in a truly empirical sense. The concepts, methodology, and conclusions were presented well. Washback was reviewed in a very holistic manner. Research has looked at all the perspectives that are affected by washback. Choice of methodology used was excellent we can not think of a better alternative. The intervening factors could have been explained more other researchers can duplicate the Sun studies and increase the reliability of the research project