Whether you need to take the computer-based or paper-based TOEFL test
2003-2004 TOEFL Paper-based test dates announced.
Institution Codes
A listing of agencies and institutions that accept TOEFL and TSE scores. If you cannot find a code in the list, you will need to contact the institution and request its code.
Department Codes
The Department Code List is for use by students planning to apply for graduate study. All others must list 00.
Country and Region Codes
Each candidate must provide a native country code when registering for TOEFL or TSE.
Native Language Codes
Each candidate must provide a native language code when registering for TOEFL or TSE.
TOEFL Instructor's Manual
Created for ESL/EFL instructors and educational advisors to help them prepare students for the computer-based TOEFL test. Contains information about test preparation, how the test is structured, what each test section measures, test-taking strategies, and test scores.
Computer-Based TOEFL (CBT) Score User Guide
Discusses the CBT test format, administration of the test, appropriate use of scores, interpretation of scores, research, and testing developments.
TOEFL Test and Score Manual
Informs deans, admissions officers, and others responsible for interpreting TOEFL test scores about the use and interpretation of paper-based TOEFL scores.
Questions that Test Takers Ask About the Computer-Based TOEFL Test
This document lists the questions test takers most frequently ask about the computer-based TOEFL test.