The Medical College Admission Test, or MCAT is a standardized test is necessary to most medical schools in the world including United States. This test will determine from the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), if a person needs the basic skills to succeed in a medical program is provided. MCAT test consists of four main parts, a physical sciences section, verbal reasoning, writing sample include a section, and part of the biological sciences. Physical sciences, verbal reasoning and biological sciences sections of the exam each include a series of multiple-choice questions, the basic biology, chemistry, physics, and reading comprehension are related. Excerpt from the sample of writing the review, but there is no multiple-choice section, because it requires an individual to write two articles based on two different states. The information in each section of the review are not necessarily directly related to the medicine, as most of the information covered in this report to a specific topic, verbal and scientific concepts, is rather specific medical related.
MCAT test is required by most medical programs in the United States, but some programs and universities, other tests must be taken instead of or in addition to the MCAT in a specific medical program. The exact number of points that an individual must perform on the MCAT test, is to gain entry into a particular program from program to program, but most universities and programs was not the MCAT test as the sole factor as for the approval. In fact, most universities and programs for use by several other factors, such as entrance examinations, the averages (GPA), and other similar factors, in addition to the notes takes into account individual MCAT test for deciding whether a particular student in a medical school should be accepted or not.
The MCAT Score and Medical College Admissions:
The MCAT is one of the most important factors in admission to medical college decisions into account. The exam includes multiple-choice sections of the biological sciences, physics, verbal reasoning, and two writing samples. The MCAT is administered by computer.
Each section is scored multiple-choice answers of the questions correctly based on the number. Wrong answers are the same as an empty response is marked, there is no penalty for guessing. The raw score for each digital multiple-choice section is converted to a scale of 15 points. A raw score of almost 50 points would be roughly equivalent to a score transforms of 15.
Each writing sample is read by two readers - one man and one computer - and the four scores are added together. The gross margin combined score will be a rating between T (the highest score) and J (the lowest score) awarded.
The final result for the MCAT is the combination of these three multiple-choice items and two writing samples. For example, a score will be reported as 30P.
According to the latest statistics from the Association of American Medical Colleges has been published, the combined average score was 25.1 in 2009th The average score for each section 2009 of the multiple choice are: 8.7 for the biological sciences, physics to 8.3, and 8.1 for verbal reasoning. The averages for the writing sample will be released in percentiles. The proportion of M was 25 was the 50th Percentile, an O, and the 75th Percentile scored a Q.
MCAT scores 2008-2009 average (mean of three multiple-choice sections) for the major medical schools are as follows. Boston University - 10.7Q, Georgetown University - 10.3Q, Stanford University - 11.7Q; UCLA - 11Q; UC San Francisco - 11.7Q, University of Illinois - 10.3P, University of Michigan - 11.7Q and Yale University - 11.7Q.
Students, maximizing their MCAT score is advisable to spend enough time studying the topics. Many candidates to take calculus, general chemistry, organic chemistry, biology, physics, and reading and writing in the first cycle. After completion of these courses, applicants usually have the basic knowledge needed to prepare the MCAT.
In fact, the study for the exam requires extensive additional practice is often characterized by a MCAT preparation program specialist. These programs focus on refreshing and refinement of the candidate's knowledge, and emphasizing the test strategies.
The MCAT is often identified with a candidate undergraduate GPA weighed by the medical faculty committees. Other factors as well as student leadership and community service experience, personal statements and letters of recommendation. These factors are the candidates and their average MCAT score compared.
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